Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Who Are The Council of Latvian-American Patriots?

Sveiks! My name is Darren D. Misklashuvacis and I am a PROUD first generation Latvian-American who recently moved from my home of Reno, Nevada to Seattle, Washington to continue my career as a consultant and real estate investor. My family name is a Latvian spelling of a traditional Ukrainian-Lithuanian name, that can be traced back to the 9th Century and those brave Latvians who had moved North to oppose the Russians who threatened our lands. My father, Bendiks Misklashuvacis, instilled great love of my ancestry, our proud Latvian traditions, and eternal vigilance for freedom wherever we may go. When he passed, I swore to always honor my beloved Latvian homeland.

Recently, after an attempt on my part to register disapproval with extreme acts of public indecency in the neighborhood around my newly purchased condominium, I was reminded that yet again that vigilance will always be required when dealing with those who have hate in their hearts for Latvia and all things Latvian. A local reporter for an obscene publication called The Stranger took several of my objections completely out of context, posted them in an inciting way which to me seemed dangerous, and has since then continued to elicit anti-Latvian propaganda and hate speech on his daily blog. This reporter, David Schmader- who is kind of a local "shock jock" only using a newspaper to spew his vitriol and bile- is perhaps the most virulent anti-Latvian I have ever observed. He uses his blog "fans" and whips them into a frenzy, and then the anti-Latvian invective flies like rancid air. In the space of a mere week, readers of this Schmader- who is obviously German, or perhaps German-Jewish, which goes a long way to explain his hatred of Free Baltic Peoples- egged on his "stooges" to comparing all Latvians to being of the homosexual lifestyle, and also of being a mere German colony (again more proof of the "Hun" Schmader's hatred based on ethnic violence and "cleansing") and also of collaborating with the Nazi SS in their attempts to annihilate the Lithuanians in World War Two. To all good Latvian Patriots, this is an OUTRAGE. The charges sound like the vile garbage concocted by certain Estonian opportunists who have sought for years to wipe Latvia off the map, and replace it with a "Greater Estonia" which will exist to serve a newly constituted Russian Empire. The threat to Latvian independence from the mindset of "reporters" like this deluded and hateful Schmader is just that great. These are solemn times, indeed, to be a Latvian Patriot.

In response, I have formed the Council of Latvian-American Patriots, better known as CLAP. We here at CLAP will stand arm in arm with ALL freedom loving peoples for Latvian independence, and also against the threat of public immorality and indecency which is a plague in my Capitol Hill neighborhood. Drugs, street sex, under-age prostitution and many other indignities have turned this once proud area into an open sewer of "counter culture" rebellion. Often, older men (called "chicken hawks") can be seen preying upon young boys who have made the mistake of coming to "The Hill" for the cultural attractions that make it such a vibrant place. Homosexual rape is a constant danger when walking these filth-strewn avenues and slime-encrusted back alleys. My protest against this danger brought out the worst in Schmader and others of his "tolerant" persuasion. An anti-Latvian fervor has been the result. God Spare us a renewal of the hatred and violence so often directed at Latvians in the past, chiefly by Estonian opportunists and their often devious sympathizers in the ethnic Finn community.

CLAP has been formed to stop and combat this violence against Latvian-Americans, through peaceful marches, protests and consumer boycotts of all organizations who support publications like the Stranger who seem to think the only good Latvian is a dead Latvian- and that public indecency is somehow a "right" of the brazenly obscene homosexual lifestyle community, who hate God, Country and Latvians in equal and disgusting measure.

Welcome to CLAP, and enjoy your stay. And may God bless America and all Latvians whether here or in the homeland! And, as always......

Dievs, svētī Latviju! - DD

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